Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 9

So, new plan. Baking soda and ACV most days, when it gets really greasy (every 3-4 days) add a teensy squirt of Dr Bronner's liquid soap in with the baking soda. Cuts the layers of grease, but still leaves a nice layer of oil. Also, I noticed my hand soap had SLS in it too. Eep! I replaced it with Dr Bronner's too.

Things are going well. My decolotage and back are really clearing up, and my scalp has no zits at all for the first time I can remember! My face is a little tricky tho, the greasy parts are going well and clearing up, but my cheeks are really dry and getting angry. I had been using jojoba oil as my moisturizer, but it's tricky. It's really just runny thin oil, and it's hard to just measure out a teensy bit for my face. I switched to coconut oil (nice and solid at room temp, but liquid at skin temp), but now my dry parts are too dry. Tonight I melted 2 part coconut oil with one part jojoba in a little glass mug. Then I put the bug in an ice bath and hit it with the milk froather until it solided up like merangue. It's just right, fluffy but solid enough to dose properly, and nice and liquid on the skin! I'll use it tomorrow for the moisturizer and report how it works!

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog, T! It's crazy.... I had perfect skin as a teenager, but in my mid twenties, I started getting facial acne on my cheeks. I've been to probably 5 different dermatologists in the past 5 years and tried every sort of pill and cream and nothing seems to work! It's so frustrating. Especially because I'm starting to get some residual dark spots and scars. I wash with a salicylic soap twice a day... but alas.... I'm lost. I might have to try your tricks.
